Kodachrome Basin State Park – Trail Ride into a Slot Canyon

Tuesday, June 13th ~ Kodachrome Trail Ride

Kodachrome Trail Ride Office

Tim and I were the first to arrive. Soon Jerry pulled in with an empty horse trailer. She pointed to the dirt road behind us and said that Steve would be arriving shortly with the horses. 

Steve arrives with our mounts

A family of four joined us, Mom, Dad and two sons 12 & 14. The price for the two hour ride was $64 per person.

Steve matched each rider up with an appropriate horse. My sweetheart was Sandy Bob.

Joanne and Sandy Bob

Tim drew Annie, one who needed a bit of encouragement to keep up with the rest, preferring to nibble on the enticing greenery along the way. She also had a bit of a flatulence problem, or at least Tim claimed it was the horse 🙂

Tim and Annie

Staying just a bit behind the pack however had an advantage of less dust in your face. It is dry and we were quickly covered in a reddish haze.

The ride itself covered the Panorama trail plus an extension that took us over to the entrance of a slot canyon.

Entrance to Slot Canyon

The slot was not nearly as scenic as Antelope Canyon, but I still got a kick out of riding a short distance inside.

Inside the slot canyon on horseback

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Departing the slot canyon

The horses were well-behaved, and I’m quite sure I could have given mine her head and she would have simply followed the pack. Steve did mention that he had his four-year-old granddaughter on her last week.

Trying to get the feel of riding a horse after far too many years

I’m only half comforted by that as I’m guessing she has ridden ever since she could sit up in this family.

Ride-up Cowgirl!

Stone figures dot the landscape, many with entertaining or descriptive names. By this point in the ride I am having enough trouble remembering my horses name, let alone the names of rock formations.

One of many formations along the ride

One was named after the Travelocity Nome, but I don’t think it was this one…

This one was called Indian Cave. It has ancient handprints on the side.

I mentioned my slip on the pathway yesterday and concern that my hind end might be a bit tender today for sitting in the saddle for so long – especially taking into consideration that I have not ridden in over 30 years.

I was so surprised to find that part of my anatomy held up fine. It was my KNEES that started screaming. I suspect that my stirrups were just slightly too long. By the time we got back to the corral, I was wondering if they would hold me up.

Somehow I managed to coax one leg over the top of the saddle, and gingerly slid down the side of my horse. I was thankful that Steve was there to add his support, as my legs had turned to jelly. I know I was a laughable sight to watch as I waddled and staggered to the gate.

Tim seemed to find some measure of humor in it at my expense. That afternoon hike we had planned I think has just gone out the window!

But I do have lovely memories of our ride to look back upon

Back at the RV, we get rehydrated and after a bit I am recovered enough to slap together some dill egg salad sandwiches with arugula and warm up the leftover home-made chicken soup. At least we are eating well.

As I sit typing at my keyboard, I can see the same chipmunk out my side window that I watched a day ago, munching on juniper berries. It has staked its claim to these few branches, and chases off any intruder. I think I understood Steve say these berries are used in the making of gin.

Tim is already having a nice nap. I think I will shower off the morning dust and join him…

GRATITUDE MOMENT: Today I am grateful for Motrin and ointments 🙂

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About Tim and Joanne Joseph

Hi and welcome! We are Tim and Joanne Joseph and we have just embarked on our latest adventure. We hope you will join us!
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22 Responses to Kodachrome Basin State Park – Trail Ride into a Slot Canyon

  1. Jane Sturgeon says:

    Oh Joanne, what a place to ride…..you evoked memories then. Thank you and it;s great to see you two having fun. Hugs Xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lucy Suarez says:

    We stayed at Kodachrome state park and eyed that ride but I had a similar knee buckling experience in Yellow Stone that has left me scarred for life. But your pictures are beautiful so it’s all worth it.


  3. wanderingweightwatcherswithwine says:

    You are so funny. I love the way you describe things and I could see myself trying that horse ride. As much as I would love to do that I know I would be in much worse shape than you were at the end. I am so sorry Jan and I didn’t make it to Bryce and Zion! They were so wonderous when I was there about 17 years ago and Jan has never seen them. Your pictures give enough interest for her to add those stops to our next trip.
    Glad the winds stopped for you!
    Gari Cave


    • Sometimes in my mind I mistakenly think I am still much younger. Then I look in the mirror and get brought down a notch. But there is nothing quite as eye opening as having to limp to the car hanging on to your husbands arm after sliding off of a horse 😢 You definitely cheered me up however by letting me know our pictures inspired Jan to want to see Bryce and Zion!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. paperpopups says:

    Glad all is well – life is good with a nap.

    Looking forward to your next post.

    Happy trails,


  5. Terry says:

    Wonderful morning, AW now Joanne you can not tell me you would not of had fun if Tim was in your condition when he got off the horse :)). Happy trails.


  6. Bland Catherine says:

    Hi Guys!!! thks for the updates! as usual, they are interesting & entertaining!! always fun reading about your latest adventure…love ya!!


  7. Sounds like a fun ride. And yes, juniper berries are used to make gin 🙂


  8. This sounds like a lovely outing, such a beautiful landscape.


  9. tippysmom2 says:

    Beautiful pictures. Sounds like you had a great time, until you got off of Sandy Bob. I think Annie was a beautiful horse. For some reason, I am more drawn to grey horses than I am the brown or black. Wonder why that is? Anyway, glad you were able to make this trip and recovered quickly. I do have a question. Was the haze in the slot pictures dust or fog?


    • I was ready to get off, but boy howdy my knees were certainly unhappy with me. Steve had some nice, well behaved horses. That misty look was dust the horses had kicked up being caught in the light. That was my favorite part of the ride.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Pingback: Capitol Reef National Park – A Sculptors Masterpiece in the Making | A Note From Abroad

  11. curvyroads says:

    Glad you enjoyed your horseback ride too, and Kodachrome is Beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: Month of June Travels in our National Parks ~ Highlight Moments in Pictures | A Note From Abroad

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