Golden Temple of Dambulla

February 3rd ~ Dambulla

Inside one of the caves

Golden Temple of Dambulla

Dambulla is another UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is the largest and best-preserved cave temple complex in Sri Lanka.

Exterior of cave temples

We had to make another climb today to get there, however this time it was only 300 or so uphill steps instead of the ultra-grueling 1233 from the previous day.

I did some quick math to compare the two climbs. If the average number of steps between floors of a building is 12 then to get to the caves is the equivalent of walking up 25 flights of stairs. We returned to the bus via a different route which was a little longer, but more gentle.

The previous day we climbed the equivalent of 102 floors – and then back down!

Dambulla Temple is made up of five major caves that house 153 Buddha statues.

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Colorful murals cover both the ceilings and walls.

Ceiling mural

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The temple closes to the public at 10:30 in the morning and a drummer sounds the warning for all visitors a half an hour in advance

Warning visitors the temple is about to close to the public

Grand entrance we walked past as we left the site from the other side

After completing our tour of the temple complex, we continued onward toward the town of Kandy. The day was broken up with a stop at a roadside vegetable stall where we were treated to some corn on the cob.

Long beans and eggplant

Here in Sri Lanka, the corn was boiled and then dipped into a very salty water bath. They do not use butter on the corn, but it was still delicious. The salty water gave a very pleasant taste.

Corn is boiled and then dipped in heavily salted water

Karen and Dick enjoying some yummy corn on the cob

When we get home, Karen and I want to try the salt water method, but then dip it into melted butter, followed with a sprinkling of parmesan cheese.

Next up was a visit to an organic farm and spice garden. Our guide showed us the different plants grown here with an explanation of each spice and if it was for cooking or medicinal use.

Cocoa Pods – the beans inside are dried, roasted and used to make chocolate

A cooking demonstration followed with a buffet lunch of regional favorites.

The next two nights will be spent in Kandy at the OZO Hotel. Our evening was free to explore, but after two long days of walking we opted to have a refreshing drink on the top floor and a quick dinner.

Our home for two nights

GRATITUDE MOMENT: I thoroughly enjoyed visiting the cave complex and was extremely grateful that we only had 300 stairs to climb.

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About Tim and Joanne Joseph

Hi and welcome! We are Tim and Joanne Joseph and we have just embarked on our latest adventure. We hope you will join us!
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18 Responses to Golden Temple of Dambulla

  1. Rita says:

    Loving this Sri Lanka blog……………familiar faces………….


  2. Wonderful photos of an amazing place! I’m glad you didn’t have to climb so many steps today, but you’re certainly getting your exercise. 🙂 The corn sounds delicious and I bet you were ready for that bed when night came.



  3. Excellent photos and a beautiful read. Too good.


  4. It was the designs on the bottoms of the Buddha’s feet that caught my attention this time, Joanne. –Curt


  5. Widdershins says:

    Corn without melted butter? An outrage!!! 😀


  6. I’m so glad you were allowed to take photos inside the temple. The Buddha statues are amazing. Glad to hear the steps were more manageable than the day before!


  7. joliesattic says:

    Amazing architecture.


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