Grateful Moments and Beautiful Photos from Chateau de Chenonceau | Travel Reflection May 2024

May 23, 2024

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia and Ra-Smit

As I mentioned in my last post, Tim had a bug today and we decided to let him stay in the room, rest and hopefully feel much better within 24 hours when we pack up and head back to Paris.

I too chose to stay behind, get some much needed sleep, and try to decipher the “new to me” different blog formatting options on the iPad.

The rest of the group, including our dear friends and traveling companions, Steve and Brenda, left for the day for scheduled stops for a visit of Chateau de Chenonceau, lunch and a guided tour of Chateau Royal d’Amboise in Amboise, and finally a wine tasting in Vouvray.

Read more: Grateful Moments and Beautiful Photos from Chateau de Chenonceau | Travel Reflection May 2024

Brenda was kind enough to send me these pictures from Chateau de Chenonceau:

If I get any more pictures from her that include the other stops of the day, I will add them. But, either way, I love that we got to have a “taste” of what we missed.

GRATITUDE MOMENT: Today I’m grateful that Tim took a day off from touring so that he could at least start getting better. We also did not want to expose others on the trip to his germs, whatever they may be. We have already noticed several others on the bus who are sneezing and coughing. A group tour bus, just like an airplane, is often just a mobile Petri dish. I also got caught up on my sleep and feel normal. The extended bags under my eyes have packed up and gone. And a huge thank you to Brenda for sharing her beautiful pictures from today.

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About Tim and Joanne Joseph

Hi and welcome! We are Tim and Joanne Joseph and we have just embarked on our latest adventure. We hope you will join us!
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8 Responses to Grateful Moments and Beautiful Photos from Chateau de Chenonceau | Travel Reflection May 2024

  1. VJ says:

    incredible beauty

    Liked by 1 person

  2. John Love says:

    Just a delight!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Lois Ambrose says:

    Sorry to hear that Tim wasn’t feeling well. Hope he is better to enjoy the rest of the trip and happy you were able to catch up on your sleep. We have been enjoying your travels with Brenda and Steve. Brenda did a great job on capturing such beautiful photos. Thanks for taking us along on your travels. We always enjoy your posts. I have been forwarding them to my Mom, Gary and Tom!


    • Thankfully, Tim is doing better today. Still not 100%, but vastly improved. Yes, Brenda did a fabulous job of capturing pictures at Chateau de Chenonceau. I really appreciate her sharing them with us since we were not able to go. Thank you for forwarding our posts to the others. I hope they too are enjoying seeing some of these places through our eyes. ♥️❤️♥️


  4. Jan Jantzen says:

    Sorry Tim picked up a bug. Yuk. Rough when you are on a tour. It is good you got to rest. Your friend did a great job taking photos. France is so beautiful.

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