HIGH WIND WARNINGS – Guess we are staying put for now…

June 11th ~ Stuck at Kodachrome Basin State Park for the day.

Map or area. The blue dot near the center is Kodachrome Basin

Well, stuck is a harsh word. Tim was coming down with a bit of a bug and we chose to stay indoors, sit out the wind storm that has returned with a vengeance, eat some home-made chicken soup and let him recover. 

Originally we had planned on taking a morning horse-back trail ride and in the afternoon a short hike in Grand Staircase-Escalante, and if time permitted, return to Bryce so we could go to Mossy Cave which we were both bummed about missing the day before.

But rest and more sleep will do us both a world of good. It also gave me a chance to catch up on writing, even if the Internet still eludes us.

I’m watching a chipmunk eat berries out my window, wind makes picture a bit blurry

As I sit here at the table, strong gusts rock us with ferocious force, with blasts up to 65 mph. I am thankful we are not driving Ellie Mae in this. The noise and motion caused Tim to wake up from his nap with a “WOW”.

A couple of photos from our campground and last nights sunset will have to do for today…

Sunset over the cliffs at Kodachrome Basin State Park

At least the wind did not hurt the sunset

Thankfully, Tim is feeling much better this evening.

GRATITUDE MOMENT: Today I am grateful that we had all the ingredients needed for a hearty soup and that the Insta-Pot worked its magic beautifully. Nothing better than a bowl of love when not feeling your best.

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About Tim and Joanne Joseph

Hi and welcome! We are Tim and Joanne Joseph and we have just embarked on our latest adventure. We hope you will join us!
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26 Responses to HIGH WIND WARNINGS – Guess we are staying put for now…

  1. Camie says:

    High winds are a pain! Glad Tim is feeling better.


  2. lulu says:

    Not fun to drive an rV in gusting winds.


  3. joliesattic says:

    I hope today is much better for him. It can be inconvenient waiting for the winds to abate. Most places will advise you to stay put anyway and since it can be quite unnerving to be in motion, staying put is a good choice if time isn’t an issue. We’ve had to pull over a time or two in the past so just enjoy your respite. Great pictures anyway. If you are in a remote area, look up at the skies. The stars in the sky can be another awe inspiring experience. Quite numerous.


  4. joliesattic says:

    Oh yeah, Dead Horse Point isn’t too too far, near Moab and it has a nice park as well.A bit remote but interesting story to go with it.


  5. Steve Thompson says:

    Good call.


  6. Carolee Croft says:

    Despite the wind you got some great photos there! I’ve tried to take pictures of that sort of sky before but with my crappy cell phone camera it didn’t look so majestic.


  7. tippysmom2 says:

    I’m sorry that you missed the horseback riding and trip to Mossy Cave, but glad that Tim is now feeling better. Your sunset photos are awesome!


  8. Terry says:

    Glad you stayed put in the wind, and that Tim is feeling better. Take care. Sunset photos are wonderful. You going to push everything back a day so you don’t have to miss the adventures planned. 1 more day of the trip wouldn’t be bad.


  9. It sounds like you really needed a rest day. I’ve been a bit amazed at the pace you’ve been going. That sunset is spectacular!


  10. Beautiful sunset photos! We have also found that sometimes on a long trip we just need to take a day off and chill. You are in a gorgeous place to do just that. When we were traveling through Utah towing our fifth wheel we decided to drive through Kodachrome Basin State Park and stop for lunch. We pulled up to the gate and asked the ranger if there was a place to turn around. He said sure and I’m glad we got to explore it a little bit.


    • We too were pleasantly surprised by Kodachrome. We were simply looking for a good place to stay that was close to Bryce NP. We had no idea until we arrived that it was such a wonderful destination itself. Thankful how things often work out!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. curvyroads says:

    There are certainly worse places to be stuck. 😊 Sometimes you just need a rest day and chicken soup is a bonus!

    Your sunset pics are stunning!


  12. Pingback: Month of June Travels in our National Parks ~ Highlight Moments in Pictures | A Note From Abroad

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