Summer At Our Cabin

July 26th ~ Arrowbear Lake, California


We are in the midst of a remodeling project at our tiny mountain cabin. Nothing outlandish, but after having the place for 19 years, it was time for some refreshing. Most of the interior has now been updated, and we are slowly trying to decide on what furniture to place in the living room. 

It takes two flights of stairs to reach our front door – certainly discourages solicitors, lol. The advantage to being so high up is that sitting on our deck is like being in a tree house.

We recently hung some hummingbird feeders and now I spend part of my day in awe of their antics.

Extremely territorial little demons…

Since we are home bodies for three more weeks, I thought I would share a few snaps I have taken from our deck.

Our squirrels and chipmunks were decimated a few years ago by a virus and are slowly coming back

Just having fun with different settings

Watching for interlopers

COMING SOON: Our next RV trip will be back to Southern Oregon for my 50th (yikes) class reunion followed by a loop through Idaho.

GRATITUDE MOMENT: Today I am grateful that we can sit outside and be so close to nature. In the morning it is not uncommon to also have blue jays, red-headed woodpeckers, chickadees and many I can not yet identify, come by for a visit.

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About Tim and Joanne Joseph

Hi and welcome! We are Tim and Joanne Joseph and we have just embarked on our latest adventure. We hope you will join us!
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29 Responses to Summer At Our Cabin

  1. Mike Alesko says:

    Great photos Joanne.


  2. Cherilyn says:

    Demons…..not hummingbirds???? They look so sweet and innocent…


  3. joliesattic says:

    How peaceful. No pictures of the “stilted” cabin? Oh yes, hummingbirds can be quite territorial, we have a few in our backyard. Interloper beware!


  4. Peter Buller says:

    The aftermath of end of financial year (“Hello Mr & Ms Auditor, lovely [*sic*] to see you.”) may chain me physically to my desk but your photos and blogs transport me away to a nicer peaceful head space.
    J & I have our ‘cabin at the beach’ but a cabin in the woods sounds delightful.


    • Peter, it seems that people are either “beach” or “mountain” people. Several of our good friends definitely love the beach, but we have always been most at home in the mountains. Thankfully a Tim and I are on the same page.


      • Peter Buller says:

        If we could afford it we would have the best of both worlds… love the mountains too although we only have ‘hills’ in Australia. Our highest peak is about 2,000m…the Andes at 5,000-6,000m; now there’s some real(!) mountains…


      • Our cabin is at 6,000 feet, just under 2,000 meters. A far cry from the Andes elevations 😄


  5. mitzybricker says:

    How wonderful! Enjoy it all!

    Blue Rock Horses Frederick County, Virginia

    Liked by 1 person

  6. When I’m sitting on the porch at the cabin in Wyoming, I’m often buzzed by hummingbirds, especially if I’m wearing something red or sitting by our red Coleman cooler. What fun! Now if my eyes could only take photos. 🙂



  7. “Sitting on our deck is like being in a treehouse”–what a lovely image!


  8. kiwinana says:

    Beautiful, thanks for sharing around the world.


  9. TracyNicole says:

    This past winter we started putting out corn cobs for the squirrels and this spring we hung a few bird feeders. The animals keep me quite entertained while I’m working from my home office. We have one special squirrel who we can regularly feed out the window; he enjoys nuts, grapes and avocados. I’m convinced he listens to us better than our cat does as he will come running across the yard when we call him!


    • I love that! We have talked about putting out a couple bird houses next year. We too used to have one squirrel that was pretty friendly with us, but sadly all of our squirrels disappeared for about seven years. Just now making a slow comeback.


  10. Wow beautiful it looks and the description is totally amazing ♥️


  11. Amy Pantone says:

    Your “tree house” cabin sounds lovely. Getting back to nature and stopping to take it all in is all the heart and soul needs to refresh itself. Really enjoyed the hummingbird photos. They are fantastic little birds.


  12. sharann says:

    I like the photos! My kids and I have taken up bird watching recently, and despite having two hummingbird feeders and plenty of flowers and plants for them to enjoy, they just don’t seem to want to visit. We do get plenty of cardinals, cedar waxwing, and sweet little sparrows. A friend said to leave some grape jelly out to attract orioles, but I have a feeling I’m going to attract nothing but a huge mess of ants. I suppose it will be something else to watch and observe. Ha! 🙂


    • I’m sorry to see that you have not been able to attract any hummingbirds. They are fascinating little birds with so much sass. I do envy you your cardinals though as we don’t have them out here on the West Coast. I’ll have to look up your cedar waxwing as I’m not familiar with it.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. This is a great time of life! Thanks for sharing.


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